Our Services
We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs
Global Construction
국내 건설업체의 해외 프로젝트 현장 가설 사무실 및 부대 공사 (자재납품, 시공)
기초공사, 배관공사 및 기계설비 공사 (자재조달, 납품, 시공)
해외 본공사 건물 현장 자재납품 및 공사
리모델링 공사
Temporary office and incidental construction of overseas project sites of Korean construction companies (material delivery, construction)
Basic construction, piping and mechanical equipment construction (material procurement, delivery, construction)
Delivery and construction of on-site materials for overseas main construction buildings
Renovation work
Korea Construction
국내 건설현장 가설사무실 및 식당, 창고 설치
기초배관 및 기계설비 시공
Establishment of temporary offices, restaurants and warehouses at domestic construction sites
Construction of foundation piping and machinery and equipment
Equipment Construction
기계설비 공사
냉,난방설비 공사
위생설비 공사
Machinery and equipment construction
Air-conditioning equipment construction
Sanitary equipment construction
Etc Construction
리모델링 공사
주택 개보수 및 신축
농가주택 및 창고 시설
Renovation work
Residential renovations and new construction
Construction of farm houses and warehouse facilities